Sunday, March 05, 2006


Something really freaky happened this afternoon. My dad's wife's friends came over to our house (the baby was discharged today) to visit them. I had met one of them yesterday. She was the prettiest of the lot but seemed 'gatal' (cheeky) to me. So she was here today with another woman whom i had not met before.

My brother and Charlyn left to send my dad back to the hospital at around 5.00pm. His wife and friends followed them downstairs as the friends were going home too. Then about 5 minutes later, the home phone rang. Normally, i do not answer the home phone as all my friends call me on my handphone. But seeing how the baby was in the hospital, i thought perhaps this could be a concerned friend or relative.

When i answered the phone, the conversation went like this :
Me : Hello?
She : Hello, is this Norman? (indonesian accent)
Me: Yes, who is this?
She : I am Ira's (dad's wife) friend. I like you..
Me : ...

As you can probably imagine, i was stumped! What the fuck was going on?!

So i asked out of curiousity..
Me : Why do you like me?
She : I like you..

Then she hung up.

Suspicion tells me that it's the gatal woman. If it is, i'll be really freaked out.. because she's MARRIED!! And according to my dad.. to a POLICEMAN!! Images of headlines splashed in the Newpaper about a jealous policeman shooting dead his wife's suspected lover (ala one-eyed dragon style) flashed across my mind. Of course, i'm not that stupid (or desperate) to actually want to do anything with her. I so wanted to tell her.. 'Your black voodoo magic ain't gonna work on me bitch!'

I hope she doesn't get a hold of my handphone number..


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