Thursday, March 09, 2006


I know it's still a little too early to compliment her, but so far, i'm really impressed with her. She sure has initiative. I told her that her primary role here are to look after the old man and cook our meals. Housework is secondary.

As the old man is not discharged yet, it's hard to actually come up with a schedule for her to follow. I was planning to observe his daily habits and routine and then slot in a time for her to do a little housework (eg : when he takes a nap). My brother and i have been observing her and she's actually doing the housework without us having to tell her to. She even folds the plastic bags used for trash!

I'm really thankful for her initiative (i've conveyed this to her) as i'm very very bad with household stuff so can you imagine me giving instructions to someone else how to do housework?

We've also worked out an arrangement on how to do the shopping for food to cook. We'll go to the supermarket together. I'll then tell her 'Ok, you think about what you would like to cook for the next 4 days, go pick out the stuff you need and i'll just follow behind with the basket'. I have been eating hawker food for my whole life and i get so totally lost when i have to shop for stuff to cook. How the hell do i know which fish is fresh?! So it's reassuring to see her going around picking the foodstuff without me having to teach her how to do it.

On another note, i had to leave her at home last tuesday for a while as i was going rock climbing and my brother was not home yet. She being new, i was uncomfortable at leaving her alone but thought, i 'd have to start trusting her sooner or later. I showed her where the spare housekeys were and left $10 on the shelf telling her that it was 'emergency' money it case she needed anything urgent. When i returned at about 12am, i discovered that the money was gone! I was a little bothered as i didn't expect the 'emergency' to happen so soon! And there wasn't any change? Was she up to something?

However, the next morning, when we left the house for the hospital, she gave me the change AND a receipt for the cooking oil and ginger she bought. She was supposed to cook for my brother and had discovered that we had run out of cooking oil and ginger.

I hope my impression of her doesn't change..


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